Happy Happy New Year!!!!

I'd like to kick off the new year by saying how proud I am of not having a wicked hangover today. It's obviously a good sign that 2008 will be as good to me (if not better) as 2007. I like to make resolutions but only to break them two weeks into the new year. However, I am lucky enough to have three new year's in one year-January 1(obvious), February 7 (Chinese New Year), March 15 (my birthday)- so I'd like to think I have about three months to "resolve" my issues. But really, they're more like goals if anything.

Goal #1: Learn to play the bass by April. Why April? That's when Paul is coming to visit and we're going to play a few shows together.
Goal #2: Write a full length album by the end of the year.
Goal #3: Learn Japanese and Vietnamese just enough to get by while I'm there in December. There's also the idea of hitting up Thailand but learning Thai as well is really just pushing it.

I have more but those are my main ones.

And now, for all my fellow Pisceans, your horoscope for today:

It's a real challenge for you to get others to talk about their feelings today. You realize that powerful unspoken emotions are lurking very close to the surface, but you may not have the motivation to push them over the edge or to patiently draw others out of their shells. Instead of just assuming that everything is okay, ask questions in a supportive and loving manner.
