wild wild wednesday

What a crazy Wednesday. A tornado touched down in Brooklyn and pretty much none of the trains were working this morning due to flooding on the tracks. It took about two hours for me to get to work this morning and the same to get home. Plus it's hot and steamy outside (reminiscent of Austin weather) so being pressed in between two grossly obese men on the way home made it even more unpleasant. ick. Do you know that weather experts say that New York City is due for a major hurricane? *sigh*

On a more pleasant note, I found out today that my oven is being replaced with one that actually works. Yeah!!! Now I can bake like a normal person and not use the tiny toaster oven to bake cookies. Note to Matt and Diana--since you're staying here on Saturday you two may have to help the delivery man carry it up the stairs:)

I must go pack now---leaving for Justin and Marget's wedding in North Carolina tomorrow morning. Be back in the city on Sunday for Peter and Lorna's wedding on Long Island. Pictures from the weddings will be posted here hopefully on Monday.
